Have you ever imagined what it would be like to owe no man no thing?

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to owe no man no thing?  To not have those creditors calling?  To wake up with the feeling of freedom?  

Debt can feel like a huge weight on your back. Sometimes you feel like running away from it all, but the GREAT thing is, you CAN face this mountain, ONE STEP at a time!  You want it all gone now, but is that realistic? Are you holding out for the lottery or Daddy to bail you out? The truth is, it will NEVER just go away. However the strength and motivation WILL come when we accept personal responsibility and take ACTION.

If we “keep doing the same thing we’ve always done, we will get what we’ve always got.”

The first step is taking a look at where we are right now. Forgive yourself for the past.  Get excited about moving forward.  Put the Fear aside.  Get those Bank Statements out. What are the things you cannot live without?  Shelter? Hydro? Food? Highlight those in different colors. Ok, now what things are Luxuries?  Take some highlighters out and highlight all the things that are extra’s.  Internet? Phone bills? Eating out? Drugstore products? Gifts?  Add all the excess spending up and look at the number that is in front of you.  Dani Johnson, our coach and mentor says that most people spend around 500 bucks on things they don’t need.  Now add up your food bill.  How much are you spending on Food?  Are you shopping more than once a week?  All the excess money you find can be used to pay off debt so that you can take that family vacation and be on your way to living every dream in your heart.  ONE STEP at a time.  ONE DAY at a time.

There are so many things you CAN do to pay off debt.  You can phone your cell phone provider and ask for a different plan.  You can phone your visa and switch to a lower interest rate card.  You can sell that second vehicle you don’t need.  You can meal plan and shop once a week to cut that food bill in half.  You can eat out once a month instead of 3-4 times per week.  You can eat everything out of your pantry and refuse to go to the grocery store until it’s empty.  You can order the “WAR ON DEBT” program and receive strategies to annihilate that debt.

You have to ask yourself one question.  Is doing what you are doing right now going to get you where you want to go?  If it is then GO FOR IT!  If it isn’t, open your eyes to a NEW way.  A new way of doing things that will get you the result you are looking for.  NOW is the time to make the change.

What Changes will you make TODAY to get you where you want to go?? We want to hear them! Share them below.